Teaching a yoga class of my dreams

Today I fulfilled one of my life dreams. I taught yoga on a beautiful tropical beach in a foreign land. The waves crashing composed the perfect soundtrack. As I guided my students, I spoke only the words that were essential, because the ocean had more important lessons to share. In the quiet moments in between, she shared her wisdom with the class. Her lesson today was about rhythm, ever changing, gently in and out, yet constant, like the rhythm of breath and life. I was humbled by the lessons she taught, and the breath song she sang.

My glass was not large. Just 3 students, all climbers, friends I have made here on Tonsai. The amazing part was that the students came. They showed up open, ready and enthusiastic to receive the gift of yoga. I understood their climbers bodies, and was able to create a class that was purposeful and personalized. I felt very nourished by teaching, and deeply rewarded by the happy peaceful glowing faces looking back at me after savasana. It fills me with joy to be able to help others feel good in their bodies through yoga. I love to share the experience of deepened breath, and to watch the calming effect in can have. I love to watch my students gain understanding of how to open themselves to receive full breath, and how to work with those tools in harder poses. I love designing meaningful sequences of poses and movements to bring a body through a full range of motion, and into balance.

Before I started traveling, I was often discouraged trying to teach yoga in Colorado. There were so many teachers and classes, and I always felt like I had to compete to bring in students. Having a full class was rare, and often I would show up to find one or two students, or no one at all. I had faith in my teaching, and kept waiting for my students to find me. I realized eventually that it was not my time to step into a role as a teacher. All I know at this moment is that many people want to learn, and I love teaching. This morning was a dream come true to teach on this beautiful beach. I offer a prayer to the universe, that if I am meant to be a yoga teacher, I will be supported on that journey.

My prayer is this. Dear universe, I want to offer a service of love, I want to offer the gift of yoga to any students who are ready and open and seeking. I want to share the knowledge I have, continue to learn more, and open myself as a channel for healing through yoga. May I be guided to the places where that service can be received. May the exchange of teaching and learning always be nourishing for both student and teacher.

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2 Responses to Teaching a yoga class of my dreams

  1. AsA Lanta says:

    Any time you want!? ..You are more than welcome here ..at AsA Lanta!!

  2. You are such an inspiration! Wish I could have been there!! muaaaahhhhh!!

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